I had barely gotten my things stashed in my comfortable little room in this Canadian B&B when a rather drawn-out conversation blossomed with Marika, the owner. She was cooking and I was across the stove from her as our conversation meandered about. I learned that she and her husband were Czechoslovakians with small kids and parents on both sides when they made the bold leap to emigrate to Canada in 1987. They were of the lucky few who were able to wrangle travel visas, something that often wasn’t possible, especially for an entire family of mother, father + children. Their parents couldn’t quite understand their desire to move.

Then the topic shifted to current events. Comments regarding people being opposed to the Government (in general) and leaders being puppets lead by puppet masters, I assumed that they were of the liberal persuasion, I asked if they’d ever dealt with guests of the complete opposite mindset as them. Oh yes, often! We’ve had people leave when they see the signs on our pickup. (I had not noticed these signs.) Then I mentioned that I’d seen a F*Trudeau sign in the neighborhood, making me feel right at home with the F*Bideners in my region. I shook my head, you’d think they could come up with something more creative than the f-bomb. Her response gave me pause. She launched into a diatribe about Trudeau and what a spoiled, brainless little fart he is. I don’t follow Canadian politics as closely as I should and I know Trudeau has his critics, but this startled me. I thought he was one of the good guys—or the guys trying to be good.

When I returned from a lovely hike in the woods behind the B&B, I checked out the signs on the truck. Fuck Trudeau. Down with vaccines! Holy shit. No wonder they had people leave upon seeing those signs! And once again, the reality is that the differences in perspective between right and left land on certain issues. There’s so much we agree upon. Like respect for elders and for the planet (they carry trash bags with them when they walk in the woods), and we share a strong work ethic. But somehow these people, who fled the emergence of totalitarianism in their home country, seem to think that the authoritarian leaders now sneaking into control around the world would protect rather than steal their freedoms. It’s puzzling. She talked of the Hungarian leader as not as bad as some in Europe. 😲

Bedded down in a neighboring wildlife B&B

Things got even more interesting in the morning when Dennis began expounding upon how “they’re messing with the weather. Yeah, this climate change business is all invented. Ya, they’ve been talking about it since the 80s.  The hell of it is that they even admit it. It’s all over. You can read about it anywhere. Books, magazines, the internet.” ….

I got a rather late start after breakfast because the other couple who were staying for several nights and who are repeat customers turned out to be highly educated and interesting people from San Francisco. Both are nurses. He’s actually done a ton of stuff. After she excused herself, he and I got into very conversation while Marika putzed in the kitchen and Dennis ate in the family breakfast nook. I found him and his array of experiences vastly interesting. He and his wife slogged through the COVID year. They both understand what unfolding science means: theories, trials, evidence, stats, and ongoing refinement of theory. They both suffered through long shifts swathed in hospital PPE. And yet here we were, discussing all this in the home of and within earshot of enthusiastic anti-vaxxers.

Could the power lines be the problem?

I was glad to be up-to-date on all my vaccines, and to have no worries about bringing something home to an immuno-compromised friend, colleague, or family member.