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In August 2011, when I first moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress (WP), I thought it would be enormously cool to be selected for the Freshly Pressed (FP) pages. Of course, I didn’t bother to research how to best position my blog for such a feat.  What Comes Next on FP seemed so pie-in-the-sky that it wasn’t worth the effort to ponder.

Besides, I began to notice what happens to the comment section of bloggers who get FP. Holy crap! How do you respond to hundreds of comments per day? I knew I wasn’t up to it. Plus, I’d heard of the meanies who lurk in the corners of the blogosphere, just waiting to pounce on some witless blogger with hate, derision, and slaps to the heart. The chances of picking up some lunatic fringe element after getting FP seemed out of proportion to the potential feel-good aspect of the notoriety.

I was perfectly happy to plod along with my 40, or so, loyal, kind, and forgiving followers. Each comment meant the world to me. That a person on the other side of this planet would actually read something I had written astounded me. That they would take the time and effort to say something nice or erudite in response was humbling.

Then in August of 2013, I snapped some semi-good shots of hummingbirds, patched them up as best I could, and posted them on my blog. Suddenly my blogger’s life turned upside down. Some dear hummingbird lover from WordPress noticed my post and voila, there we were, hummers and I, on Freshly Pressed!

It was fun! I watched the hits and new followers pile up; I eagerly answered comments; I gave up on checking out new follower’s sites because there were writers blockjust too many. Reality followed my momentary fame. Now I had to come up with something worthy of all the attention. Talk about writer’s block!

Eventually, I did what I always do. I forgot that I was writing to an audience and began just writing for myself. Sorry dear followers. It’s therapy. The razzle-dazzle faded. My core followers remained. I love them dearly. I pretty much forgot about my moment of glory, except that, quite mysteriously, my list of new followers continues to grow. I don’t know these people. They are from all over the world, some are simply out to sell something, many are new to WordPress and looking for their own audience. I applaud their efforts. To know that I’ve been FP, they have had to wade through thousands of new entries since August.

But with 1600+ followers, I am still only getting a few comments per post and those comments come predominantly from my same old, loyal followers. The top five commenters for 2013 were: Sybil, Sandra Parsons, Glenda, btg5885, and Auntyuta. Several more followers regularly leave inspiring feedback, but these five people plod through practically everything I post and then take the time to pat me on the back. Thank you!!!

What is really interesting is what happens to WP bar graphs after a seismic event like FP. Now, a tick on the stats graph that would have put a smile on my face, is barely visible. Was this what Einstein was getting at in his theory of relativity?statsAs WP kindly put my 2013 blog year in perspective: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 9,300 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. But, just because they saw it, doesn’t mean they actually read it. Relativity!

How’d your year go?