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In November I had the misfortune to arrive at Denver International Airport—luggage and ski box included—ten hours early. Not smart scheduling. I was counting on snagging space available on an earlier flight, but that was not to be. I was prepared for a long wait. What I wasn’t prepared for was the FAA regulation that forbids checking luggage earlier than four hours prior to departure. There I was, stuck in the front lobby of the airport, with a six-foot box of skis and luggage for six hours! Sigh.

With all that time to observe travelers, I was surprised by the number of traveling pooches. As a matter of fact, I began feeling just a tad jealous of those mutts for being able to waltz right through the check-in line, while I sat holding my bladder.12313551_10206642420636783_27421671425962389_n 12299105_10206642419436753_4060814219513102577_nSandy, are you looking for Annie?12339325_10206642422636833_9030122219351299519_o11056069_10206642444757386_3802019430068908150_oBest dressed canine12322535_10206642435317150_4264993391412038970_o 12309515_10206642437597207_3035244449598373438_oIt pays to be a well-dressed traveler. I suspect there’s a treat involved.12291717_10206642445717410_405724261068974515_oSome lucky dogs don’t have time to sit around watching the action.