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Like time, age is a social construct. Have you ever considered how different life would be with no recorded birthdates? I’ve been following posts from an Idahoan, Ted Kunz, who has been bicycling throughout the African continent for over a year. In his latest dispatch, Ted noted that some of the individuals he meets, particularly, members of the Maasai tribe, do not know how old they are. Births and deaths are simply not tracked and recorded. You’re born, you live, you die. Imagine the learning trajectory of a child of undetermined age. It matters not what age you are when you learn to read. You either learn to read or perhaps you learn something instead of reading. You learn when your brain and body are ready to learn. You learn what is relevant to your survival. You’re ready for marriage and parenthood when your body and physical environment determine that you are ready.

Think about it: no minimum age for a driver’s license, for bar hopping, for smoking, for military service. No hard and fast rules about when to start a family, when to stop dancing, prancing, and giggling. No middle-age crazy when you’re sure life has has left you behind. No age for social security, for retirement. It seems to me this would be wonderfully freeing.

Image by Ted Kunz – 2021

A 1992 graduate of Meridian High, Ted Kunz later graduated from NYU, followed by a career in institutional finance based in New York, Hong Kong, Dallas, Amsterdam, and Boise. For the past five years, Ted spent some of his time living simply in the Treasure Valley, while still following his front wheel to places where adventures unfold. ”Declaring ‘I will ride around the world’ is a bit like saying ‘I will eat a mile-long hoagie sandwich.’ It’s ambitious, even a little absurd. But there’s only one way to attempt it: Bite by bite.” Ted can be reached most any time at ted_kunz@yahoo.com. @theidahopress